
I went to an event at the Venice Gardens Community Center on Shamrock Blvd. yesterday Feb 1. Foot traffic was very light and even not many vendors were there. It's pretty early in this half of the season.

I did pretty well because of repeat customers coming in looking for the next book. Readers like to get to know the author and will stop and chat. It make me so happy when I hear personally how much they liked a book and want to purchase another one.

One comment I hear over and over is the...

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One way to get sales of old titles moving again is to revise the covers. I revised the covers of my Green Lady Inn mystery series. It's a five book series set in Salem Massachusetts. I had my designer do this and it took several tries before we got it right. I'm very pleased with the results.

I also updated the cover to Honey Tree Farm. for this one I used Canva. I'd never used this platform before so it took a couple tries before I got it right.


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Happy Thanksgiving

It was the end of November, and the evening held the warmth of the last days of Indian Summer, with only a slight nip of fall in the air. The smell of burning leaves graced the night air. I sat in the shadows of my front porch, rocking and listening to the night sounds. My old gray sweater wrapped tight around me to keep out the chill. These old bones didn’t take to the cold anymore.
The rocker beside me was empty. I wanted someone to share this incredible evening. Fall was...

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I received an email asked for marketing advice from an author the other day. He was doing all the right things on social media, and he has a couple good books.

He has done paid advertising on Amazon and other platforms with lukewarm results. Personally, I do not do paid advertising. I always end up losing money. This author used to go out to events and book clubs talks but has not been out in a while.

I tell all my authors you have to get your butts out the door and make yourself visible to...

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I was at five Points Park in Sarasota for the French Market yesterday Saturday Nov. 2. It's usually a pretty good day for me and a couple other authors that attend the event each year. This year one author did not sell a single book, another sold three, I sold six and the author I shared with did ok but not great. There were more vendors and two food trucks this year. The organizers had really done a fantastic job. Slow sales were definitely not their fault. Although I must say there were not...

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It’s funny how a simple trip to Walmart can stir up memories and a bit of nostalgia. Today, while walking through the aisles, I couldn’t help but notice something that felt off. Here in Florida, we’re still recovering from back-to-back hurricanes, and it’s not even Halloween yet. But there I was, standing in one of four aisles already packed with Christmas decorations. It made me stop and wonder: When did we let a holiday that's supposed to be about family, tradition, and deeper meanings get...

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The bookstore that has carried my books for a couple years has decided that they will no longer take consignments from authors for books. they will only take books that they can order directly from Ingram. AUGH!!!. Being a new author my earlier titles were through KDP.

I have spent the morning trying to figure out how to transfer my best selling older titles from KDP to Ingram Spark. It can be done. You have to take your books title out of expanded distribution and fill out a form to request...

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Sorry I'm a bit late with this or a bit early which ever. The hurricane here at my house was rather a none event. Our lights flickered and we lost the TV for ten minutes. The only damage was a few shingles and screens from the pool cage. I do feel for all those that lost everything to storm water damage or were hit hard by the hurricane. At one point the news said that there were about one million people without power.

There is a tale that the Calusa Indians used to come to the...

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I read an interesting article on the Jane Friedman site today. It popped up on my phone and I can't get it back. It was from one of her authors about her experiences with traditional publishing. Her first book was picked up and published by Touchstone and imprint of Simon and Schuster. They paid her a substantial advance, did lots of promotions for her, book stores, libraries and the lot. Her book became a best seller and hit the NY times best seller list. It was published in several...

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One thing I learned at the Florida Authors and Publishers Conference this past August was that Barnes and Noble is now considering taking Independent author's books on their shelves.

There are a couple things you must have. One is to have the your book with Ingram or another distributor where there is a returnability. Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon) does not. Second you must have the price printed in the barcode. Third you must bring a sell sheet to the B&N with you when you go to talk...

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The Author's Platform What is the author's platform? It stands for you and

What is the author's platform? It stands for you and your book, your credibility as an author. Just like a politician you have to get your book out there to make sales. You also have to get yourself out there and become visible to your readers. It a reader doesn't know you exist how can they buy your book? Social media is not enough.

All the famous authors are out there giving talks, going to conferences, speaking where ever they can to get in front of their readers. If you want to be noticed...

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editors are worth it I recently received a message from someone that

I recently received a message from someone that purchased one of my books at an arts and craft fair. I love in person events. The reader enjoyed my book very much but commented on the grammar and other errors in the book. I'm always embarrassed when I hears a comment like this. I trusted my editor to find and correct all these issues.

It happened again with The turtle Thieves. I had it up for an award with the Florida Authors and Publishers association. The book received a silver medal which I...

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I finally received a gold medal I attended the Florida Authors and

I attended the Florida Authors and Publishers Conference in Orlando August 2 and 3, 2024. I was surprised and over joyed to be awarded a gold medal for my book The Snake Traders. This book is the third in the Florida Wildlife Heroes series. Book two, The Turtle Thieves won a silver medal last year. I'm working on book four now, getting it ready for next year.

The conference is a wonderful experience for any author. Every year I learn something to improve my craft to help marketing my books....

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