
One thing I learned at the Florida Authors and Publishers Conference this past August was that Barnes and Noble is now considering taking Independent author's books on their shelves.

There are a couple things you must have. One is to have the your book with Ingram or another distributor where there is a returnability. Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon) does not. Second you must have the price printed in the barcode. Third you must bring a sell sheet to the B&N with you when you go to talk...

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What is the author's platform? It stands for you and your book, your credibility as an author. Just like a politician you have to get your book out there to make sales. You also have to get yourself out there and become visible to your readers. It a reader doesn't know you exist how can they buy your book? Social media is not enough.

All the famous authors are out there giving talks, going to conferences, speaking where ever they can to get in front of their readers. If you want to be noticed...

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I recently received a message from someone that purchased one of my books at an arts and craft fair. I love in person events. The reader enjoyed my book very much but commented on the grammar and other errors in the book. I'm always embarrassed when I hears a comment like this. I trusted my editor to find and correct all these issues.

It happened again with The turtle Thieves. I had it up for an award with the Florida Authors and Publishers association. The book received a silver medal which I...

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I attended the Florida Authors and Publishers Conference in Orlando August 2 and 3, 2024. I was surprised and over joyed to be awarded a gold medal for my book The Snake Traders. This book is the third in the Florida Wildlife Heroes series. Book two, The Turtle Thieves won a silver medal last year. I'm working on book four now, getting it ready for next year.

The conference is a wonderful experience for any author. Every year I learn something to improve my craft to help marketing my books....

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