September 18, 2024
Traditional publishing verses Self-publishing

I read an interesting article on the Jane Friedman site today. It popped up on my phone and I can't get it back. It was from one of her authors about her experiences with traditional publishing. Her first book was picked up and published by Touchstone and imprint of Simon and Schuster. They paid her a substantial advance, did lots of promotions for her, book stores, libraries and the lot. Her book became a best seller and hit the NY times best seller list. It was published in several countries around the world.

Then touchstone closed its doors. The author had another book and found it extremely difficult for any publisher to pick it up and publish it the way Touchstone did. She did find a small publisher but the book did not reach the heights of her first book.

Taking advice from others in the business she is now turning to self-publishing. There is a lesson to be learned here.

 A dear friend of mine went through almost the exact same scenario with Touchstone. She is still struggling to get her rights her book two years later. 

So your research. No longer are the big traditional houses giving out huge advances and helping to promote your book. Things in the publishing industry are changing.

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