
Upcoming Events

The best little Arts and Craft event in the area. The organizers and other vendors are super friendly and welcoming. I attend this one every chance I get. I always get a cup of coffee and slice o cheesecake. It's the best. Stop by if you are in the area. You will not be disappointed.

Another great event in Sarasota. This one is located downtown near the Selby Library in Five Points Park. Unique upmarket arts and crafts will be on display for you. Stop by on you way to the Farmers Market down on Lemon. Enjoy lunch at one of the restaurants, where you will find plenty of outdoor seating. I'll be there signing my books along with fellow author Lucy Tobias. I'd be happy to sign one just for you.

Past Events

This is a special event I was asked to participate in. As an author literacy is very important to me and I have participated in several events like this over the years, usually for children. I will be at the Manatee River Garden Club with two other authors, Lucy Tobias and Anne Easter Smith. We each have very different books.

Lucy is an award will author with travel and Florida gardening books and a very special children's book, Mary Margaret Manatee. Mary Margaret is in English and is Spanish...

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