August 7, 2024
I finally received a gold medal

I attended the Florida Authors and Publishers Conference in Orlando August 2 and 3, 2024. I was surprised and over joyed to be awarded a gold medal for my book The Snake Traders. This book is the third in the Florida Wildlife Heroes series. Book two, The Turtle Thieves won a silver medal last year. I'm working on book four now, getting it ready for next year.

The conference is a wonderful experience for any author. Every year I learn something to improve my craft to help marketing my books. This year I learned how to help get my books on the shelves of Barnes & Noble. The bookstore is now accepting some independently published books. The price must be  printed in the barcode. You need to provide a sell sheet for each book. If you are presenting a series, the number of the book in the series must be printed at the top of the spine.

That is only one of the things I learned at the conference. I'll be putting all what I learned into practice and letting you know how it goes.

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