August 13, 2024
editors are worth it

I recently received a message from someone that purchased one of my books at an arts and craft fair. I love in person events. The reader enjoyed my book very much but commented on the grammar and other errors in the book. I'm always embarrassed when I hears a comment like this. I trusted my editor to find and correct all these issues.

It happened again with The turtle Thieves. I had it up for an award with the Florida Authors and Publishers association. The book received a silver medal which I was thrilled about. After the event I reviewed the judges comments and one judge marked me because of spelling and punctuation errors. Without those errors I would have gotten a gold medal. I have since found a new editor and a gold medal. 

Do not skimp on a good editor. the neighbor next door who is eighty and used to teach English will not cut it. Get out the checkbook and pay for a proper editor. 

I reread the previous blog and I could have used an editor. Hopefully I fixed all the mistakes. Until next week dear readers.